Development How to easily do Object Detection on Drone Imagery using Deep learning There are also ways to easily detect objects in complex programs without even doing the object detection yourself. For example, to detect arrays, you have to know exactly what values they contain (this will be explained in more detail later). How to easily do Object Detection with Javacsript Consider the following JavaScript code. The variable […] Written by August 26, 2019August 26, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Development Reading Isn’t a To-Do List Item Reading isn’t a to-do list item. It is my life. But if I keep this little piece of writing about books, this little piece of paper about a little book called Reading, I can make that life matter: it won’t let me forget any important things. In the case of good books, the point is […] Written by August 13, 2019August 13, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Video Tutorials How Animations and Illustrations are Created For an animation to be able to fit into an app, it has to be able to stand on its own. One way would be if the game engine makes use of an animation on a certain part of the screen and makes use of this in an animation-overlay, but this is unlikely to happen […] Written by August 9, 2019August 9, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
The Ultimate Step-by-step Tutorial for Perfect Face Makeup Makeup application can be a complicated business, as we all follow our own set of rules and protocol when it comes to putting our faces on. Step 1: Moisturize or apply a primer To complete your Maybelline Eyeshadow Line with these new collections, we suggest a matte lid pencil, three matte eyeshadow palettes, a mid-tone […] Written by November 21, 2019November 21, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Beginner’s Guide to the Most Common Bike Repairs Rock n’ Roll — Your Action Plan Bike Repair Guide” and “Tube Repair Guide”. Another handy tool is the small color code marked standard size paints on the tube that will help you quickly spot the situation: red = damaged, blue = blocked, yellow = overcoat. When it comes to tube repair, the best time […] Written by November 21, 2019November 21, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
How to facepaint yourself like Maya Body art painting, and he has a very clear vision and a way of expressing it and creating a sense of place. And when you have a great artist like this, when you have someone like this who’s able to paint with a lot of freedom, he’s really able to create a lot of imagery […] Written by November 20, 2019November 20, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
The Ultimate Step-by-step Tutorial for Perfect Face Makeup Makeup application can be a complicated business, as we all follow our own set of rules and protocol when it comes to putting our faces on. Step 1: Moisturize or apply a primer To complete your Maybelline Eyeshadow Line with these new collections, we suggest a matte lid pencil, three matte eyeshadow palettes, a mid-tone […] Written by November 21, 2019November 21, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Beginner’s Guide to the Most Common Bike Repairs Rock n’ Roll — Your Action Plan Bike Repair Guide” and “Tube Repair Guide”. Another handy tool is the small color code marked standard size paints on the tube that will help you quickly spot the situation: red = damaged, blue = blocked, yellow = overcoat. When it comes to tube repair, the best time […] Written by November 21, 2019November 21, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked